
The forestry sector learns about Altri’s textile fibre factory project at a conference organised by Impulsa Galicia

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The Xunta assures that the textile fibre factory will be a boost for the digitalisation of the forestry industry and new uses of wood. The Galician…

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O vicepresidente económico e conselleiro de Economía, Empresa e Innovación en funcións, Francisco Conde, o conselleiro do Medio Rural en funcións, José González, e o delegado territorial da Xunta en Lugo, Javier Arias, participaron xunto co conselleiro delegado de Altri, Jose Soares, e a directora xeral da Sociedade Impulsa Galicia, Enyd López.

The Xunta sees the textile fibre factory as a project that will contribute to industrial transformation by creating value throughout the forestry chain in Lugo and Galicia

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The Vice-President for Economy and Acting Regional Minister of Economy, Enterprise and Innovation, Francisco Conde, the Acting Regional Minister of…

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Altri informs the President of the Xunta de Galicia that it chooses Palas de Rei as the best possible location for the complex of textile fibres

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Feijóo stresses that this decision, the result of an exhaustive technical analysis by the company, is a fundamental step forward in this project,…

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Miguel Corgos joins the board of Impulsa Galicia

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Miguel Corgos López-Prado, Treasurer and Minister of Public Administration for the Xunta de Galicia, has joined the board of Impulsa Galicia, the…

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The organisation charged with making strategic initiatives viable in Galicia chooses an industry leader to navigate the next phases of the project that will transform timber into sustainable textile fibre

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Impulsa Galicia (the Galician Association for the Development of Strategic Projects) has secured an investor and technologist for one of their…

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Enyd López Fernández

Expert in circular economy to lead Impulsa Galicia, a public-private entity established to help develop strategic projects in Galicia

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Two others will also work alongside Enyd López on the organisation’s board of directors: Amparo Alonso, an expert in artificial intelligence, and…

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Impulsa Galicia is established with the goal of assisting with the development of strategic plans in Galicia

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Francisco Conde, the Xunta’s Deputy Vice President and Minister for the Economy, Business, and Innovation, was joined by the Treasurer and Minister…

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The Xunta, Abanca, Reganosa, and Sogama form a new public-private organisation that will support “tractor effect” projects in Galicia

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The Galician Association for the Development of Strategic Projects, AKA Impulsa Galicia, has been established to assist in developing business ideas…

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